This policy applies to all information that is collected or submitted on Cirkl’s website and our apps for iOS, Android, and other devices and platforms.

We Collect the Following Information

When you create an account, you can decide whether you want to share your email address. Email addresses are only used for logging in and responding to emails you send to us. If you choose, we may use your email address for offers from third parties.

To use Cirkl, information that you create in the app or on the web is stored. This information is only used for functionality and to further develop Cirkl.

You can also choose to give Cirkl permission to add information to other calendars, contacts, and features such as reminders on your device. If you upload files, such as pictures, text documents, videos to Cirkl, they are stored on Cirkl’s servers.

Third Parties

When we use services from other companies, we ensure they meet high security standards.

We may disclose your information to authorities like the police or the judiciary if the law requires it.

Use of Information

We use the information we collect to operate and improve our website, the app, and our customer support.

We do not share personal data with external parties. We may share anonymous, aggregated statistics with third parties.

If Cirkl is used for illegal activities, suspected fraud, or activities that violate our terms of use, we may use information to protect Cirkl’s rights, property, and our users.

In the event that we choose to collaborate with, merge Cirkl with another company, acquire other companies, or transfer the ownership of Cirkl, user information may be among the transferred assets. If any of this were to occur, your data will of course be handled with the utmost respect and confidentiality.


We continuously implement a range of security measures to keep your information safe, and all communication between Cirkl, websites, and servers is encrypted.

Changing or Deleting Information

You can change your information or delete your account from Cirkl. Deleted information may be stored in backups for up to 60 days.

Information for EU Customers

By using Cirkl and giving us your information, you allow us to collect and store your information outside the European Union.

International Transfers of Information

Information may be processed, stored, and used outside the country where you are located. Data security laws vary between jurisdictions, and different laws may apply to your data depending on where it is processed, stored, or used.

Your Consent

By using Cirkl or our website, you agree to our privacy policy.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this privacy policy, you can email

Changes to This Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post the changes on this page. Visit it regularly to stay updated.

This policy was updated on September 9, 2022