Cirkl user Emelie shares experiences & gives tips
General tips from me
- We adults in the household used Cirkl by ourselves for a few weeks first to get a grip on the app. Highly recommended!
- We then introduced the features we thought the children would like the most.
- The children led the first Cirkl meeting. It turned into chaos, lots of chatty stories, spilled juice & many laughs. Today, we adults are responsible for the meeting with better structure, and the children get to choose what we will have for our snack.
- When we noticed that the children were ready for another function, we introduced it.
- We also have an iPad in the kitchen that everyone can easily access. It’s perfect also when we cook and follow recipes in Cirkl.
- Be patient. Give it time. Make sure the children have some fun with Cirkl, not just tasks to do.
Some feature tips about Cirkl’s functions
Wish lists are created left and right by the children. Links, explanatory text, and images (then we adults created a checklist in Cirkl that was secret, for the children when it was time to shop).
We have entered passwords for streaming services.
- The children have started to add their own recipes with their own photos. Really fun.
If something needs to be bought, it must be in Cirkl, otherwise it won’t be purchased.
The fact that you can now go into a recipe, press the 3 ‘dots’ in the top right corner & ‘scrape’ down what needs to be bought from the recipe to the shopping list is great.
Our eldest child wanted to bake, so she made her own shopping list and went shopping.
Meal Planning
Everyone gets to choose one dish each during the week.
What they should have for snacks or take to training has recently started to be added.
The older children help to cook their chosen dish. It’s great to be able to add a recipe to the chosen day/meal.
We adults have entered the children’s school schedule (start and end times) in Cirkl.
We have Cirkl meetings with each child, and then we enter homework & tests in the calendar.
We schedule study time during the week and which one of us adults will provide support.
We enter if an adult is working on the weekend or is away on a business trip so that everyone knows.
We adults enter booked appointments like the hairdresser or time with the psychologist.
Fun activities like parties are entered with many fun emojis in the title.
Clean their room.
Take out the garbage/recycling.
Empty & load the dishwasher.
Clean the hamster cage.
(The tasks are linked to the weekly allowance.).
Cleaning list for how the children should clean their room.
Cleaning list for how they clean the hamster cage.
- Other chat functions compete here, but we adults have now started sending fun messages to attract everyone to Cirkl, and we believe we will soon have everyone in the family using the Cirkl chat.
The Search Function
- We missed that at the beginning. But now it is used frequently. So convenient!